- Please remove any accessories, watches jewelry etc.
- No jeans or cotton pants. Fleece is ok.
- Jersey, track suits, ski inner wear, adjust the thickness and layers according to weather.
- Jersey or summer river wear available for purchase or rental. ※Only in Niseko. Quantity limited.

On the day of the tour, please arrive at the NAC 20 minutes prior to the tour start time to change clothes and prepare for the tour.
For directions to the meeting place, please click here. https://nacadventures.jp/en/access/nac-niseko/
- All tours are by reservation only. ※Except Indoor climbing.
- Cancellation policy: The day before 50% of tour fee; on the tour day 100%.
- Races: 100% cancellation fee occurs after deadline.
- Kids Camp, 50% cancelation fee occurs if you cancel from 4 days-7 days before and 100% from 3days before the tour day.
- Group reservations: cancellation policy may be different. So please check when you make reservation.
- Cash
- Credit card
- Bank transfer: Hokuyo Bank Kutchan branch;
Savings account No. 0340552
Account name: NAC Co Ltd.
※Please transfer tour fees three days before your tour. - PayPal
- Accident insurance automatically included in your tour costs. (Hospital visit 2,000 yen, Hospitalization 3,000yen, Death 3,800,000yen). For any extra insurance please seek your own coverage. ※ Insurance is not included for indoor climbing and bike rental.
- NAC adventures operate in all weather. Starting and finishing time are depending on the weather and tour conditions.
- Do not drink alcohol before tour. Intoxicated persons may be denied participation in the activity. There will be no refund, therefore please consider carefully.
- NAC guides and company may cancel or discontinue a tour if continuing is deemed dangerous.
- All participants are required to sign the agreement sheet before participating in the tour.
The person who made the reservation must share the reservation ID with all participants, and all participants must submit the consent form at the URL below.
In addition, anyone under the age of 18 must have the consent of a parent or guardian.
If you are not accompanied by a parent or guardian, please do not forget to fill out the parental signature section as well.
https://nacadventures.jp/en/agreement-en/ - Although the NAC guides are there to ensure you have a fun safe tour, there is always a chance in a natural environment of an injury outside the guides’ control. Please understand this and recognize that participating in adventure activities requires you to take some personal responsibility for your actions.
- Email reservations are responded to by our reception. If you do not get a confirmation email from us please contact NAC.
- On the day reservations are welcome, you can call or drop into the reception at NAC.